With so many different types of website hosting available out there these days, how do you know which hosting account is right for you? When it comes to choosing the right hosting account it’s very similar to buying a computer. Sometimes the entry level (cheap hosting) will work just fine for your needs. Other times saving money on hosting can become a nightmare because your website is slow and experiencing errors or simply won’t resolve. Choosing the most powerful isn’t always the best method either as you may be wasting money for unneeded power. (Think driving a Lamborghini on a dirt road! While you may have all that horsepower you can only go so fast!) The best method when it comes to choosing the right web hosting is to think about the big picture of your website and ask yourself these questions:
Will your website be used for blogging?
Is your website a simple business card that requires minimal updating?
How often do you plan on updating your website?
Will you be using allot of videos and pictures on your website?
Will your website have an online store connected to it?
How many visitors do you anticipate coming to your website?
All of these questions are important because it gives an idea of how “powerful” of a hosting account you will need. Visitors do not tend to stick around on websites if they are slow or if they experience any types of errors. For more information on choosing the right hosting account for you, please contact us at 480-624-2500!